Saturday, April 2, 2011

Iris Atma - México

Bodhisattva Vamp Iris Ra

Bodhisattva's way of life
Que sea yo un protector para los desprotegidos,

un guía para los que viajan,

una barca, un puente, un vado

para los que desean la otra orilla.

May I become a protector for the protectorless,

A guide for those who travel on the road,

And, for those who wish to cross the water,

May I become a boat, a ship, or a bridge.

Que el dolor de cada ser vivo

se elimine por completo.

que sea yo el médico y el remedio,

y sea yo el enfermero

de todos los seres enfermos del mundo

hasta que estén todos curados.

May I become an island for those seeking dry land,

A lamp for those needing light,

A place of rest for those who desire one,

And a servant for those needing service.

To benefit all living beings,

May I become a treasury of wealth,

Powerful mantras, potent medicine,

A wish-fulfilling tree, a wish-granting cow.

Que a semejanza del espacio

y de los grandes elementos como la Tierra,

pueda yo siempre sustentar la vida

de los seres ilimitados.

Just like the great elements such as earth,

And like eternal space,

May I become the basis from which everything arises

For sustaining the life of countless living beings;

Y que hasta que estén libres del dolor,

sea yo también la fuente de vida

para todos los reinos de seres diversos

que se extienden hasta los confines del espacio.

And, until they have passed beyond sorrow,

May I sustain all forms of life

Throughout the realms of living beings

That reach to the ends of space.

Just as all the previous Sugatas, the Buddhas,

Generated the mind of enlightenment

And accomplished all the stages

of the Bodhisattva training,

So will I too, for the sake of all beings,

Generate the mind of enlightenment

And accomplish all the stages

Of the Bodhisattva training.

à¥∆ Iris Atma
Iris is the founder of the modern concept of 'Creative Conscience'; the Art of combining visual creation, art criticism, and ancient spiritual sciences. Creator by humanitarian ideals and principles of Love, Light and Power in her projects of photography, painting, video, experimental audio, conceptual art, fashion design, network art and performance. She was born in Mexico, of Swiss, German, Catalan, and Mexican origin.
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à¥∆ Iris Atma
â•⁄+Love and Gratitude to you all! Thanks for your support to each one of the souls who like this page and the subscribers on my youtube channel. Love, Light and Prosperity Blessings!
+Les mando Amor y Gratitud! Gracias por su apoyo a cada una de las almas a quienes les gusta esta página y a los de mi canal de youtube. Bendiciones de Luz, Amor y Prosperidad!

à¥∆ Iris Atma

List of Residencies | ResArtis
ResArtis - Worldwide Network of Artist Residencies

à¥∆ Iris Atma

Shantideva Online ::: Your Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of Life (Chapter I)
NOTE: The Bodhicaryavatara (BCA) as it appears on Shantideva Online is a corrected proof based on the BIONA edition and has been examined for accuracy by not only Chan, Dzogchen, and Pureland teachers, but also by Stephen Batchelor, the translator of one of the better known Tibetan versions of the

à¥∆ Iris Atma
Thanks to 'Traffic Strategies' for posting my video 'NezaYork' xoxo

traffic strategies - neza

à¥∆ Iris Atma You can see NezaYork in action also at ;") is related with Yolike; India's No.1 Entertainment Portal

à¥∆ Iris Atma
â•⁄=^.^= Hey, another of my photo sessions has a Free Download at megajoin. It's labeled as Sexy latin señorita, hehe! :-p

MegaJoin - Photo session Iris Atma - Free Download.
Free download, play or view online Photo session Iris Atma fileón-iris-atma-&-manuel-butron-la-esmeralda.html
Saludos a The Khmer Post, Cambodian Bilingual Newspaper, quienes publican el video de la conversación que realizamos en La Esmeralda. ;")

The Khmer Post: Cambodian Newspaper
Khmer-Movies Videos, Watching: ConversaciÓn iris atma

Thank you to for publishing Images and Videos of Vamp Iris Ra, Kiss & Bliss ;")

Vamp Iris
Images, Pictures, Pics, and Video of Vamp Iris includingHttp://

Fondation Pierre Bergé-Yves Saint Laurent

Yves Saint Laurent : Pierre Bergé, l'amour fou
Bande annonce du film Yves Saint Laurent : Pierre Bergé, l'amour fou (

Les Grandes eaux musicales
Ce week-end, promenez-vous dans les Jardins du château de Versailles et profitez des premières Grandes eaux musicales de la saison. Plus d'informations : week-end, take a walk in the Gardens of the Palace of Versailles and enjoy the first Grandes eaux musicales of the season. More info :
by: Château de Versailles Officiel

"Don't judge your day by the harvest that you reap but by the seeds that you plant"
Robert Louis Stevenson~

The best way to defeat your enemy is with a smile. In doing so, you weaken his capacity to hurt you. A drop of tear strengthens his hold on you. Anger is his ultimate victory. Smile and it annoys him endlessly

à¥∆ Iris Atma
¿Es que la sombra nos sigue o la carne nuestra es la continuidad de la sombra que habitamos?

Gorey / Wyatt - The Doubtful Guest
Michael Mantler - The Doubtful Guest from: The Hapless Child and other inscrutable stories (Words by Edward Gorey) Robert Wyatt: vocals Carla Bley: piano, clavinet, string synthesizer Steve Swallow: bass guitar Jack DeJohnette: drums, percussion Terje Rypdal: guitar Alfreda Benge: speaker

à¥∆ Iris Atma
Buenos días queridos dears, les comparto un mensaje que me envía Sarmen; artista mexicana quien vive en Belfast, Irlanda del Norte: Los que gusten colaborar con ella en música o performance, aquí están sus links. - Website built by SarmenFemme based on Blank Website
This Website was built from Blank Website by SarmenFemme using
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+Gracias por difundir esta información al publicarla, y con fowards, post, visitas, comentarios, video respuestas, etc.!

Help us to share art! Suppor the creation of new Iris Atma performance videos by purchasing DVDs, visit our websites, share our proposals, you can also sponsor, donate, or invite us to Art Festival, Exhibitions, Publications, etc. Kiss & Bliss! ;")
Love & blessings

+Iris Atma's mailing list. Contemporary art bulletin since 2003.
+Lista de correos de Iris Atma. Boletín de arte actual desde el 2003.

+ Iris Atma is a visual and performance artist. Creator by humanitarian ideals and principles of Love, Light and Power in her projects of photography, painting, video, experimental audio, conceptual art, fashion design, network art and performance. She was born in Mexico, of Swiss, German, Catalan, and Mexican origin. She is the founder of the modern concept of Creative Conscience; the Art of combining art criticism, visual creation, and ancient spiritual sciences.
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