Mar 17, 04:29 PM
Hogwash. The cashier made a mistake. At the moment the mistake was made ONE party knew about it and one didn't. The OP, who knew that a mistake had been made said nothing about it. He should have. People can defend this guy all they want, but the fact of the matter is that he deserves the flames he's getting. An ethical person would have said "you forgot to charge my card" and paid the outstanding balance.
And what about if BB over charged his card $300 and didn't say anything about it... That happens all the time and customers don't catch it.... Maybe not that dollar amount but it still happens... I wonder how many BB throw in the warranty and not telling the customer they added it? A lot of people don't check their receipt.. I don't feel sorry for bestbuy or the kid..
It was his problem....
And what about if BB over charged his card $300 and didn't say anything about it... That happens all the time and customers don't catch it.... Maybe not that dollar amount but it still happens... I wonder how many BB throw in the warranty and not telling the customer they added it? A lot of people don't check their receipt.. I don't feel sorry for bestbuy or the kid..
It was his problem....
May 4, 03:04 PM
Not sure what's medically relevant about owning or not owning a gun, but still, why penalize a doctor for asking and not, say, a teacher, clergyman, mechanic, dry cleaner, etc.? It doesn't make any sense.
Apr 13, 10:51 AM
Looks like it should be the name of a cellular company in the US.
"Asstel.. We screw you like no other." :)
Looks like it should be the name of a cellular company in the US.
"Asstel.. We screw you like no other." :)

Jan 16, 11:24 AM
The keynote had what I expected (talk of iPhone, iTunes, and MBP.) However, I didn't know about Time Capsule, which I must say is a cool little product if you don't currently own a router. Also really loved the updates to the :apple:tv.
Underwhelming keynote? Possibly, but one cannot say it did not at least deliver some interesting stuff.
Underwhelming keynote? Possibly, but one cannot say it did not at least deliver some interesting stuff.
Jan 15, 02:44 PM
zimtheinvader you're right: MBA does not compare favourably to other products available. Thinness is a nice quality, and indeed it gives that premium edge to the MBA that other UMPCs lack, but Apple's seeming need to give you a full-featured, full-screen, full-clock speed computer is contrary to the needs of ultraportability. While I don't begrudge the Core 2 processor, nor the ample RAM, I can't say that a 13.3" widescreen is essential. (Indeed, if you're aiming for portability, then the dinosaur 4:3 format offers a greater ratio of screen area to overall dimensions).
I recently had the opportunity to borrow an Asus Eee PC, and was blown away by the advantages of its form factor. It was solidly built, confidence inspring, yet portable. The MBA makes me worry about potential flimsiness. How will it compared to a Macbook if bashed in the centre of the lid. The Eee PC, while slow and cramped, at least has rigidity
Moreover, do people really want to pay more for a compromised solution? Compare the Eee PC at ?200. Now I don't wish to say that the Eee PC is something Apple should have produced, but in almost every respect it is in the right direction. It's smaller in the correct sense (reducing the greater dimensions first), sturdier, cheaper. Asus have done a fantastic job of this, and I don't doubt that Apple could have done it even better. How about a 10-12" screen, make it thin if you really must, but make it cheap, and drop pretentions of selling people a widescreen video-editing 'supercomputer'?
With my cursory memory of the MBA's features, I can't think of a single argument other than a need to have the latest thing for the MBA over the top of the range Macbook, a notebook which I subjectively think looks more attractive, too.
What consumers would go for would be more portability, more affordability, at the expense of screen real estate and ultimate performance. What have given us is equal portability, a lot less affordability, and less performance.
I recently had the opportunity to borrow an Asus Eee PC, and was blown away by the advantages of its form factor. It was solidly built, confidence inspring, yet portable. The MBA makes me worry about potential flimsiness. How will it compared to a Macbook if bashed in the centre of the lid. The Eee PC, while slow and cramped, at least has rigidity
Moreover, do people really want to pay more for a compromised solution? Compare the Eee PC at ?200. Now I don't wish to say that the Eee PC is something Apple should have produced, but in almost every respect it is in the right direction. It's smaller in the correct sense (reducing the greater dimensions first), sturdier, cheaper. Asus have done a fantastic job of this, and I don't doubt that Apple could have done it even better. How about a 10-12" screen, make it thin if you really must, but make it cheap, and drop pretentions of selling people a widescreen video-editing 'supercomputer'?
With my cursory memory of the MBA's features, I can't think of a single argument other than a need to have the latest thing for the MBA over the top of the range Macbook, a notebook which I subjectively think looks more attractive, too.
What consumers would go for would be more portability, more affordability, at the expense of screen real estate and ultimate performance. What have given us is equal portability, a lot less affordability, and less performance.
Apr 21, 11:50 AM
I dont like this. Now im going to be too paranoid about how people rate my posts :p
In reality I don't care. It really does not affect my MR experience and i am neutral to it.
In reality I don't care. It really does not affect my MR experience and i am neutral to it.
Mr. Gates
Oct 6, 10:56 AM
Ha, Yea lets see the world map....
Gee, where's Verizon?
Gee, where's Verizon?
May 3, 10:50 PM
This is a very effective ad. Much better than the current iPhone ads.
Oct 28, 11:23 PM
A) It's not the OSS community that's trying to crack Apple's DRM. Lets get that straight. These people have nothing to do with that community. These guys are just pirates using the source that is out there.
That's true. But they are the ones who are going bellyache continually about Apple not having the software available anymore. "Why can't I get the Darwin source code?" "This is unfair, they used BSD stuff and now they aren't sharing!" "Why haven't they released 10.4.9?" (when it comes out)
They aren't going to look at it from Apple's perspective. They aren't going to say. "Well, gee thanks Apple for trying to share the software with us. We're sorry you're getting screwed over by Wintel hackers who are too cheap to just buy a Mac." They're going too say. Well, we're sorry that's happening but you have to just put up with it as part of having your stuff available. They'll make Apple out to be evil when this is all a reactionary measure. Apple wants to release Darwin as open source, otherwise they could have just released the first version and then closed the source after that (they can legally do that, just because it was open source and you released it once doesn't mean you have to keep doing it). Apple would never be able to use any newer BSD components after that, they would begin maintaining their software as a fork pretty much. They only pulled it because someone keeps hacking to run it on plain beige box Wintels. And the OSS people aren't going to look at those hackers as the ones responsible for the source being pulled.
Many OSS people are the free as in speech types, but I feel most are a combination of the free as in speech and as in beer types. They wants software to be free for use and they don't think it should have a pricetag attached. These are the ones always saying Apple should have to release Aqua too just because the Darwin part of OSX is released.
Oh ****! Thanks Apple! Now, how am I supposed to get Mac OS X to run on my old Linux box?
See? There they are now. "Oh, ****! Thanks Apple!" Who's fault is it the source was pulled again?
That's true. But they are the ones who are going bellyache continually about Apple not having the software available anymore. "Why can't I get the Darwin source code?" "This is unfair, they used BSD stuff and now they aren't sharing!" "Why haven't they released 10.4.9?" (when it comes out)
They aren't going to look at it from Apple's perspective. They aren't going to say. "Well, gee thanks Apple for trying to share the software with us. We're sorry you're getting screwed over by Wintel hackers who are too cheap to just buy a Mac." They're going too say. Well, we're sorry that's happening but you have to just put up with it as part of having your stuff available. They'll make Apple out to be evil when this is all a reactionary measure. Apple wants to release Darwin as open source, otherwise they could have just released the first version and then closed the source after that (they can legally do that, just because it was open source and you released it once doesn't mean you have to keep doing it). Apple would never be able to use any newer BSD components after that, they would begin maintaining their software as a fork pretty much. They only pulled it because someone keeps hacking to run it on plain beige box Wintels. And the OSS people aren't going to look at those hackers as the ones responsible for the source being pulled.
Many OSS people are the free as in speech types, but I feel most are a combination of the free as in speech and as in beer types. They wants software to be free for use and they don't think it should have a pricetag attached. These are the ones always saying Apple should have to release Aqua too just because the Darwin part of OSX is released.
Oh ****! Thanks Apple! Now, how am I supposed to get Mac OS X to run on my old Linux box?
See? There they are now. "Oh, ****! Thanks Apple!" Who's fault is it the source was pulled again?
Surf Monkey
Mar 17, 12:55 AM
You're classy.
I hope karma greets you tomorrow morning with a swift kick in the mouth.
Well... You certainly put a finer point on it than I did.
I hope karma greets you tomorrow morning with a swift kick in the mouth.
Well... You certainly put a finer point on it than I did.
Oct 1, 08:59 AM
Local people and conservation societies defended the building as a unique witness of the region's architectural development. It's not a particularly pretty building but it's certainly one with some history around it. ... But leaving the building to the elements with no maintenance is in my opinion wrong, immoral and a disregard of what property ownership should be about. ... If Jobs wanted a modern building ... then he should have got his rich ass moved to another large plot and built his modern glassbox there, after he sold Jackling House to somebody who wanted to live in that and respect local conservationist's and planning authorities' wishes.
I appreciate the sentiment. Anything which has outlived its owner[s] should be given some consideration & deference for historical value. One should treat antiques with respect the spirit of its creation and prior ownership, not just abusing/mangling/destroying it out of a sense of "it's mine so I can do what I want with it." Problem is: where to draw the line, and drawing the line is the prerogative of the current owner.
Are the locals & conservators doing so out of genuine concern for the Jackling House? Is it in fact a worthy part of history, or a notable example? or are they closer to naysaying for the self-serving benefits thereof (striving for relevance, trying to keep a billionaire off the street, whatever)? I'm guessing somewhere in the middle: yeah, a mansion of a distinct style is worth consideration for preservation, and those insisting thereon need something to insist thereon lest their relevance evaporate.
Leaving it to rot shows poor character, either by not caring for what one owns (disrespectful of one's own efforts and possessions) or as a tactic against busybodies (a nasty you-can't-make-me tone). It's his, it should at least be in nice enough shape to have lunch or spend a mundane night there. FWIW, I've owned a remote home, so appreciate the annoyance of long-distance maintenance.
Comes down to the fact that it's located in a high-price-tag area, and the value of the land alone exceeds the building's historical value. We don't know if anyone would have paid the millions to live there, and can be sure nobody would have paid the millions to preserve it for its own sake. The only reason AFAIK anybody is taking an interest in it (ex.: we're talking about it here) is that Steve ***** Jobs is about to destroy it. That a tiny number of people may have genuine interest in preserving either Spanish Revival or Jackling artifacts IMHO just does not give enough weight to overrule the house's owner. If they can't come up with enough of their own money (NOT coerced taxpayer-confiscated funds) to buy it outright or at least relocate it, and there isn't any other broad compelling reason (we're talking Jackling here, not Tesla, and Spanish Revival, not F.L.Wright), then fire up the bulldozers. Fact is, there just isn't that much desirable acreage in that region suitable for a billionaire's estate; "go somewhere else" holds little traction when proximity to Apple's campus is vital and there isn't much else suitable.
As I start to peek "over the hill", my perspective of preserving works is changing. Much has sentimental value, but little warrants outright indefinite preservation. Jackling was one man, long gone; time for his spiritual successor in business success and industrial influence to take his place and leave a new mark.
I appreciate the sentiment. Anything which has outlived its owner[s] should be given some consideration & deference for historical value. One should treat antiques with respect the spirit of its creation and prior ownership, not just abusing/mangling/destroying it out of a sense of "it's mine so I can do what I want with it." Problem is: where to draw the line, and drawing the line is the prerogative of the current owner.
Are the locals & conservators doing so out of genuine concern for the Jackling House? Is it in fact a worthy part of history, or a notable example? or are they closer to naysaying for the self-serving benefits thereof (striving for relevance, trying to keep a billionaire off the street, whatever)? I'm guessing somewhere in the middle: yeah, a mansion of a distinct style is worth consideration for preservation, and those insisting thereon need something to insist thereon lest their relevance evaporate.
Leaving it to rot shows poor character, either by not caring for what one owns (disrespectful of one's own efforts and possessions) or as a tactic against busybodies (a nasty you-can't-make-me tone). It's his, it should at least be in nice enough shape to have lunch or spend a mundane night there. FWIW, I've owned a remote home, so appreciate the annoyance of long-distance maintenance.
Comes down to the fact that it's located in a high-price-tag area, and the value of the land alone exceeds the building's historical value. We don't know if anyone would have paid the millions to live there, and can be sure nobody would have paid the millions to preserve it for its own sake. The only reason AFAIK anybody is taking an interest in it (ex.: we're talking about it here) is that Steve ***** Jobs is about to destroy it. That a tiny number of people may have genuine interest in preserving either Spanish Revival or Jackling artifacts IMHO just does not give enough weight to overrule the house's owner. If they can't come up with enough of their own money (NOT coerced taxpayer-confiscated funds) to buy it outright or at least relocate it, and there isn't any other broad compelling reason (we're talking Jackling here, not Tesla, and Spanish Revival, not F.L.Wright), then fire up the bulldozers. Fact is, there just isn't that much desirable acreage in that region suitable for a billionaire's estate; "go somewhere else" holds little traction when proximity to Apple's campus is vital and there isn't much else suitable.
As I start to peek "over the hill", my perspective of preserving works is changing. Much has sentimental value, but little warrants outright indefinite preservation. Jackling was one man, long gone; time for his spiritual successor in business success and industrial influence to take his place and leave a new mark.
Oct 2, 07:04 PM
But what's the point of that? So a few geeks can hack their iPod to play whatever?
Opening Fairplay to other companies opens the iPod to other services. The biggest risk to Apple is the opening of Fairplay to other MP3 manufacturers.
Besides... the more I think about it, the more I don't see why iTunes wouldn't play the compatible Fairplay songs. Apple can't make any major changes to the existing DRM in files to break compatible Fairplay files.... since they would have then have to reencode all of those files sitting on people's hard drives.
Perhaps DVD Jon's business model in this instance primarily revolves around getting Apple to pay him off...
Opening Fairplay to other companies opens the iPod to other services. The biggest risk to Apple is the opening of Fairplay to other MP3 manufacturers.
Besides... the more I think about it, the more I don't see why iTunes wouldn't play the compatible Fairplay songs. Apple can't make any major changes to the existing DRM in files to break compatible Fairplay files.... since they would have then have to reencode all of those files sitting on people's hard drives.
Perhaps DVD Jon's business model in this instance primarily revolves around getting Apple to pay him off...
Sep 9, 03:38 PM
Too bad I missed it. I hate rap/hiphop AND football. ;)

cute i love you quotes for

cute i love you quotes and

cute i love you quotes and

cute i love you quotes for

cute short i love you poems. i

cute i love you poems. i love
May 3, 04:13 PM
Oh god, the irony! The irony!
Mar 17, 02:44 AM
Really VictoriaStudent, lol I agree with BForstal on what people would do in the same situation 100 percent, and I'm not trying to brag about anything, and I cant even believe this thread has reached 3 pages. Sec I have no reason to troll!!! I have been a member of this forum since and even though I have never really posted anything I have found wealth of knowledge over the years from people in these forums. Wow and you cannot judge a person's character by a mistake a cashier made in a store!!! Like I said everybody is entitled to there own opinion, If you were to make note of the mistake to the store if it happened to you and it makes you feel so highly above any one else, more power to you. As far as I'm concerned this is one time I actually got a break on a apple product.
Mar 31, 04:52 PM
What kept me often from buying apps was the too complicated paying system: You have to register, give them the number of your credit card, remember the password of the login and so on. The MAS makes this a lot easier and safer. Apple's decision to only allow MAS apps for the Design Award is to push developers to publish their apps on the MAS. What's wrong with that?
Nov 24, 12:04 AM
Apple Canada online store is down for updates now...
edit: Scott beat me to it.Indeed, some even tried creating new unless threads. :rolleyes:
edit: Scott beat me to it.Indeed, some even tried creating new unless threads. :rolleyes:
Oct 28, 04:22 PM
Hello guys,
I found some more info about open source 10.4.8 kernel. :D
Check it out...
I found some more info about open source 10.4.8 kernel. :D
Check it out...
Apr 17, 09:47 AM
No one is saying it is, except for you. Nothing is being placed above anything else. There is no order of importance.
Sounds like a lost in translation issue. Reading comments vice talking directly with someone leaves a lot to be desired. Anyway, I read your comments as though you felt that a persons homosexual orientation entitled them to be elevated above another group or person.
Yes indeed. But why we differ is puzzling to me.
Because I am against classifying people by descriptors. The worth of a man or woman should not be defined by labels like black, gay, or what have you. Treat every man or woman equally, as you would wish to be treated, and I see no need for labels. Do you label your friends? i.e. "Hey, I'm going to see black Jim." Or, "I'm going to see Jew Bob."
Sounds like a lost in translation issue. Reading comments vice talking directly with someone leaves a lot to be desired. Anyway, I read your comments as though you felt that a persons homosexual orientation entitled them to be elevated above another group or person.
Yes indeed. But why we differ is puzzling to me.
Because I am against classifying people by descriptors. The worth of a man or woman should not be defined by labels like black, gay, or what have you. Treat every man or woman equally, as you would wish to be treated, and I see no need for labels. Do you label your friends? i.e. "Hey, I'm going to see black Jim." Or, "I'm going to see Jew Bob."
Sep 12, 08:17 AM
At least your 3G iPod had enough battery to last through one song.
lasts about an hour:D
lasts about an hour:D
Aug 7, 08:33 PM
The Apple Cinema Displays are expensive, but these are high-end professional grade LCDs. If you're going to be using them only to surf the web and watch TV then your money is wasted -- go and get a cheap Dell instead.
I know what I'll get when I'm looking for an LCD for my graphics work.
Take a look at this report:
We use EIZO and Apple Cinema Display LCDs at work (we do web and print design and photography/digital imaging), and they are worth every dollar. We would not settle for anything less.
So in conclusion: for gaming and general web surfing, get a cheap consumer LCD. For serious graphics work, design and digital imaging, get a high-end LCD from trusted makers such as Apple, LaCie or EIZO.
I'm sick of people whining about the Apple Cinema Displays and how Apple is "ripping" people off. Booohooo. If you're complaining, then the ACD isn't meant for you. And if you think the ACDs cost a lot, you haven't seen the prices for the EIZOs!
Dell monitors use the exact same panel as the apple monitors do and the Dells have more features.. I think you meant that the Dells are professional grade monitors just like apple but if you want to waste your money, buy an apple display, if you want to actually save some bucks, buy a Dell.
Don't worry, you can thank me later for correcting you. Just donate $1 to my "get a 30 inch apple display" foundation. Thanks.
I know what I'll get when I'm looking for an LCD for my graphics work.
Take a look at this report:
We use EIZO and Apple Cinema Display LCDs at work (we do web and print design and photography/digital imaging), and they are worth every dollar. We would not settle for anything less.
So in conclusion: for gaming and general web surfing, get a cheap consumer LCD. For serious graphics work, design and digital imaging, get a high-end LCD from trusted makers such as Apple, LaCie or EIZO.
I'm sick of people whining about the Apple Cinema Displays and how Apple is "ripping" people off. Booohooo. If you're complaining, then the ACD isn't meant for you. And if you think the ACDs cost a lot, you haven't seen the prices for the EIZOs!
Dell monitors use the exact same panel as the apple monitors do and the Dells have more features.. I think you meant that the Dells are professional grade monitors just like apple but if you want to waste your money, buy an apple display, if you want to actually save some bucks, buy a Dell.
Don't worry, you can thank me later for correcting you. Just donate $1 to my "get a 30 inch apple display" foundation. Thanks.
Jan 5, 02:41 PM
Ah yes! Everytime I want to watch a Keynote, its usually spoiled by the fact the homepage on Apple.com is promoting the new products.... sort of ruins it really.
Arn... you're a true legend.
Arn... you're a true legend.
Singin Hobo
Apr 5, 03:04 PM
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)
They should charge for this. It would totally be worth it.
They should charge for this. It would totally be worth it.
Apr 15, 09:39 PM
If competition results in innovation, why has the Windows PC not evolved into something better. Lord knows that arena is packed with competition.
The downward pressure on prices actually inhibits innovation. R & D is the first thing to go when the pressure gets high. The focus becomes, "How can we make this cheaper?" Let that go on for a couple decades and you get such poorly made PCs that they are disposable.
The market doesn't need the PC to evolve anymore. From a hardware perspective, most people could use hardware made 5 years ago to do the simple applications they use.
On the other hand, PC software has evolved where there has been a need and competition drives it.
Building things cheaper at the sake of cutting costs and innovation doesn't work. The american automobile industry is a living proof of that.
The downward pressure on prices actually inhibits innovation. R & D is the first thing to go when the pressure gets high. The focus becomes, "How can we make this cheaper?" Let that go on for a couple decades and you get such poorly made PCs that they are disposable.
The market doesn't need the PC to evolve anymore. From a hardware perspective, most people could use hardware made 5 years ago to do the simple applications they use.
On the other hand, PC software has evolved where there has been a need and competition drives it.
Building things cheaper at the sake of cutting costs and innovation doesn't work. The american automobile industry is a living proof of that.
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